Thursday 2 October 2014

College magazine analysis!

Magazine analysis: College lifestyle magazine

Front page:

The masthead of this college magazine is bright and bold, perhaps, the magazine company did this to attract the audience’s attention and make them directly focus on the front page of the magazine. The colour orange is used for the title of the magazine. This colour is a calm and neutral colour which suggests that the atmosphere of the magazine will also be calm and peaceful, which suggests that the magazine is easy to read and it is not very heavy worded unlike other different types of magazines. However, the information given on the front page of this college magazine seems to suggest that there is information given to students in the magazine. However, perhaps not as much in words, instead, they maybe talking to the audience through images and diagrams. The front page also includes educational information about universities this suggests that the target audience are college/university students. The image in the front cover is a medium close up of perhaps a student, he is dressed in all white which focuses the reader's mind onto the image which is on the centre of the front page of the magazine. Couple of images are used in the front cover of the magazine, perhaps they did this to ensure that they do not bore the college students with too much writing. Images are also used to give the audience a sneak preview of what is inside the magazine and so that they are aware of what to expect. The barcode and the issue date is also placed on the front page of the magazine so that the customers are aware of the price of the magazine. Different fonts and sizes are used on the front page, this suggests that the magazine company did this because they wanted their magazine cover to look interesting and exciting so that the customers would purchase the magazine. Even different colours are used in the front cover of the magazine so the cover looks stimulating so it encourages the audience/customers to buy the magazine article.  

Contents page:
The contents page of the magazine is pretty simple, which makes it easier for the audience to read and understand. As well as written words the contents page includes images of students perhaps, this is to show the audience and make them aware that this magazine is a college magazine and will include information based on educational matter as well other information linked with college and teenage students. The title of the page is ‘CONTENTS’ in a bold and black writing, this suggests that the magazine company want the audience or readers of this magazine to notice which page is the contents page so that they are able to find all the information on the magazine using the help of the contents page.     

By Shahena Islam

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