Tuesday 7 October 2014

Photoshop Skills!

How to use Photoshop:

1. Open up Photoshop and click on file and select new, this will open up a rectangular box, then select preset and click on international paper, then select OK, this will then automatically create a new document for you so that you can use the Photoshop software.

2.  You can use the control button (Ctrl) to zoom in and zoom out onto your work. Ctrl along with the – sign to zoom out and Ctrl with the + sign zoom in.  Ctrl T (transformers button) you can move/edit the image you have, however, keep your finger on the shift key at all times when using this key.

3.  To set rulers on your document you need to select ‘view’ on top of the Photoshop software and click on ‘rulers’, this will then give you rulers and you can then align your lines on your paper.

4.  Layers- if one of your layer list is blue, then it means it is active and you are currently using that layer to edit your work. Important tip: make sure the texts have different layers, otherwise you will get confused and it will be difficult to use. You can also double click on the text layers to add a text colour or glow to your text box.

5.  Type tool- make sure your text is above the image otherwise your text will be placed behind the image layer- you can alter this through the layer list.

6.  Save as Photoshop, not as jpeg otherwise you cannot change or alter the work again, until you have are fully finished using Photoshop only then you can transport it into a jpeg file without having to alter or edit your work again.  

By Shahena Islam

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